Vision Statement

Treaty Seven daycare programs provide quality, developmentally appropriate and culturally enriching programming for all children so that they develop skills and abilities to become future contributing members of their Nations.


The primary mandate for childcare in Treaty Seven is to provide on-reserve daycare services for working and training parents, as well to facilitate the development of the child and promote the employability and economic well-being of families.


Provide quality and developmentally appropriate programming for children ages 0 to 6 years old.
Provide an environment for early language acquisition.
Provide culturally enriching experiences and opportunities.
Ensure early childhood educators have access to necessary certification/accreditation.
Establish linkages and partners within the community, related programs, and other governmental agencies.
Ensure fee structure allows for accessibility and affordability.

Treaty Seven Day Care Background Information

There are 10 daycares with a total of 506 licensed capacity spaces.
There are three daycare/head start combined centers.
Each daycare is licensed and monitored on a regular basis.
Staffing credentials range from Level I to Level III.
Funding sources are the Department of Indian Affairs and Service Canada.
The Childcare Coordinator provides administrative, financial, and technical support.
Other services are advocacy, licensing liaison, and monitoring for quality and cultural programming.
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